SASSA Care Dependency Grant [2024] How to Apply & Criteria

SASSA’s Care Dependency Grant, or Child Disability Grant, is financial assistance provided to the caregivers of South African children suffering from physical or mental disabilities and whose caregivers lack the financial resources to provide for them. If your child is under 18 and has a disability, you can apply for this grant, and you will remain eligible for this grant until they turn 18.

SASSA has also made it easy for people to apply. All you need to do is ensure you fit the criteria and have the required proof of application. In this guide, I’ll walk you through everything there is to know about SASSA’s Care Dependency Grant, including the application procedure, eligibility criteria, required documents, and much more. Let’s get started.

How to apply sassa care dependency grant

The Eligibility Criteria For the SASSA Care Dependency Grant

The eligibility criteria ensure that the grant is given to those truly in need by identifying the applicant’s situation and determining if it should be granted to them. Here are the eligibility criteria for the SASSA Care Dependency Grant:

1. South African Connection

The applicant needs to have a strong connection to South Africa. This may be through South African citizenship, recognized refugee status, or holding permanent residency. This ensures the grant is given to those with a significant tie to the country.

2. Caregiver Relationship

The grant is made to help those directly responsible for a child’s well-being. Eligible applicants can be parents, legally appointed primary caregivers, or foster parents of a child under 18.

3. Home-Based Care

A key condition is that the kid should not receive long-term care in a state institution. This emphasizes the importance of caring for the child in a home rather than an institutional setting. It recognizes the value of a circle of family-based care for the child’s overall development.

4. Residency Requirement

Both the caregiver and the child have to have residency in South Africa. This requirement emphasizes the focus on helping families living in the country. It ensures that the Care Dependency Grant contributes directly to the well-being of South African residents.

5. Severe Disability and Full-Time Home Care

To be eligible, the child must have a severe disability requiring full-time care at home. This condition reflects the grant’s purpose: to help families manage the demanding situations of caring for a child with a great disability.

6. Means Test for Financial Eligibility

A means test evaluates the caregiver’s and spouse’s earnings (if married). This situation guarantees that the Care Dependency Grant reaches individuals needing financial help.

6 Eligibility Criteria For the SASSA Care Dependency Grant

What is the means test for the SASSA Care Dependency Grant?

The Means Test verifies if your financial situation fits the guidelines for getting the SASSA Care Dependency Grant. Its main job is to ensure the grant goes to households needing financial help.

For single applicants applying, the check looks at your yearly income. It should not exceed R249,600 per year (which means R20,800 per month).

If the applicant is married, the total yearly income for both of you must be below R499,200 (or R41,600 per month).

If you are a foster parent, you’ve got a special rule. You don’t have to take the means test. This is because foster parents often face different demanding situations, and this rule ensures they can still get the grant without any money limits.

Each SASSA grant has its own set of regulations for the means test. For the Care Dependency Grant, the test looks at the financial situation of families taking care of youngsters with serious disabilities. This way, it makes sure the grant reaches individuals who need it.

SASSA Care Dependency Grant Amount Explained

Effective October 1, 2023, those approved for the Care Dependency Grant will receive R2,090 monthly. This financial help is designed to help households look after children with severe disabilities.

Looking ahead, there’s even more good news. Starting on April 1, 2024, a planned increase of R10 per child per month is planned. This way, eligible families can expect extra support, helping them better cope with the unique needs and demands that come with caring for children with significant disabilities.

Required Documents for Applying for the SASSA Care Dependency Grant

To ensure a smooth application process for the Care Dependency Grant, it’s important to have gathered all the necessary documents. Here’s a list of required documents:

Identity Documents:

  • Your Original 13-digit Bar-coded ID
  • Refugee Status Permit and Refugee ID, if applicable.
  • Birth Certificate of the Child. A valid ID number should be present.

Proof of Marital Status:

  • Marriage certificate, if you are married.
  • Divorce decree in the case of a dissolved marriage.
  • Death certificate, if your spouse is deceased.

Financial Documents:

  • Payslips or bank statements prove your income for the last three months.
  • UIF Card if you are receiving Unemployment Insurance Fund benefits.
  • Pension receipt, if you are receiving a pension.

Other Relevant Documents:

  • Proof of Financial Support for the Child. Any documentation showing financial support or efforts to obtain support from the child’s biological parents.
  • Proof of a child’s disability. A medical assessment report confirming the child’s disability and that they are receiving permanent care or support at home.

Documentation for caregivers:

  • Affidavit from a police station if you are not the child’s biological parent.
  • Report from a Social Worker is another option for non-biological parents.
  • Written permission from the biological parent indicating your role as the primary caretaker.
  • A letter from the child’s school principal confirming the child’s attendance.
  • Court Order, if you are the legally designated foster parent

Procedure to Apply for the Care Dependency Grant

Once you have checked and made sure you fit within the eligibility criteria and collected all the required documents, you can proceed with the application. Here’s the step-by-step guide on how to apply for the Care Dependency Grant:

Step 1: Medical Assessment

Before applying, the child must undergo a medical evaluation by a doctor designated by SASSA. This assessment verifies the kid’s disability and the need for full-time care at home.

Step 2: Choose Your Application Method

You have two options to apply: visit your nearest SASSA office in person or apply online through the SASSA services website. You can find the nearest SASSA office on their website or by contacting them. If you prefer applying online, check the website for specific instructions.

Step 3: Gather the Necessary Documents

When applying, ensure you have all the required documents. All the necessary documents are outlined in the previous section.

Step 4: Visit the SASSA Office or Apply Online

If applying in person, go to your nearby SASSA office. If you cannot go due to illness, a trusted family member or friend can apply on your behalf with a letter from you and a doctor’s note explaining your inability to go.

Online applicants need to follow the instructions on the SASSA Care Dependency Website. The application form is normally available for download. If it is unavailable, they may ask to get the application from the SASSA office.

Step 5: Application Process

Complete the application form in the presence of a SASSA officer. If you want help, the officer will assist you in filling it out. After you submit the form, we will conduct an interview to assess your eligibility. Ensure you keep the dated stamp receipt as proof of your application, even if your application isn’t successful.

Step 6: Wait for Processing

The processing time for the Care Dependency Grant application is up to 3 months. After processing, you’ll obtain payments from the date of application approval. If your application is unsuccessful, SASSA will provide a letter explaining the reason and providing guidance on the appeal process.

How to Apply for the Care Dependency Grant

SASSA Care Dependency Grant Processing Time

The SASSA Care Dependency Grant application normally takes up to 3 months to complete processing.
We backdate approved payments to the application date. If we reject your application, we will send you a letter stating the reasons and providing guidance on the appeal procedure.

Appeals need to be done within 90 days of notification. The Ministry of Social Development reviews appeals, either overturning the decision for grant payments to resume or providing a written explanation for the denial.

Checking Your SASSA Care Dependency Grant Status

Once you have applied for the Care Dependency Grant, staying updated about your application’s development is important. Here’s how you can easily check your grant’s status:

  • SASSA Website. Visit the official SASSA website and go to the grant status section. Enter the required details to access the real-time status of your application.
  • Moya App. Opt for the Moya Application as a data-efficient approach to ascertaining the status of your Care Dependency Grant. Adhere to the guidance presented within the application to receive immediate notifications.
  • SMS. Alternatively, you can send an SMS to the SASSA number (082-046-8553) with your application number to obtain the information you need.
  • WhatsApp. Utilize the SASSA WhatsApp assistance (082-046-8553) to request information regarding the status of your Care Dependency Grant application. This platform offers a convenient and direct way to get updates.
  • Toll-Free Number. Reach out to the SASSA Toll-Free Helpline (0800-601011) to connect with a representative who can aid you in verifying the status of your grant application. This method guarantees direct communication for any additional queries you may have.
5 Major Facts to Checking Your Sassa Care Dependency Grant Status

What should I do next if the SASSA Care Dependency Grant Application is not accepted?

If SASSA does not approve your Care Dependency Grant application, keep your hope alive. You have the option to seek a review or request an appeal. Here’s what you could do:

If you believe the rejection is unjust or based on incorrect information, you could request that SASSA review your application. Provide any extra data or explanation that would help your case. SASSA will reevaluate your application to ensure fairness.

If the reconsideration through SASSA still results in a denial and you disagree with the decision, you’ve got the right to appeal. Commence the appeals procedure by presenting a written appeal to the Ministry of Social Development within a 90-day period from the receipt of the initial notification.

Understanding the SASSA Care Dependency Grant Payment Process

Once SASSA approves your Care Dependency Grant, you will receive monthly payments on time in the manner you prefer. The payments commence on the day your approval status is announced.

SASSA releases payment schedules every month. These timetables detail the exact dates when beneficiaries can anticipate the receipt of their grant disbursements. Regularly checking the schedule to stay informed about upcoming payments is important.

See Also: How To Check SASSA Balance

Available Payment Methods for SASSA Disability Grant

SASSA provides versatility in payment methods to accommodate the preferences of recipients. Recipients have the choice of the following alternatives:

  • Electronic Funds Transfer. Payments are swiftly transferred to your bank account or Postbank account.
  • Cash Withdrawal. Recipients can withdraw grant payments in cash from SASSA-partnered shops, which include Pick n Pay, Shoprite, Boxer, Checkers, Usave, and Spar.
  • Institutional Payments. Some recipients, including those in old age houses or disability centers, can pay through these establishments.

If you wish to change your banking information or the payment process, visit the SASSA office. Complete the required form, and we will process your payments through the new method in the following month after verification.

When a disability grant is Suspended or Lapsed

Disability grants for helping those with physical or mental disabilities may face suspension or permanent expiration, depending on precise conditions.  Here they are:

  • Grant suspension can arise if there are great adjustments in the recipient’s financial or physical situation. This guarantees that the grant aligns with the current needs and circumstances.
  • If recipients engage in fraudulent behavior or provide false data during the application or review procedure, their disability grant may also face suspension.
  • Failure to receive the grant for three consecutive months can result in its suspension. Regularly claiming the grant is important for the continuity of the assistance.

Restoration of the Grant

If there is an error or misunderstanding that leads to the suspension of a disability grant, recipients can exercise their right to appeal. The appeal process involves contacting the Ministry of Social Development and presenting the case for reinstating the grant. This review ensures that deserving people continue to receive the grants they need.

Responsibilities of the Beneficiaries

Grant recipients play a critical role in the smooth functioning of the grant system. To ensure uninterrupted assistance, beneficiaries must:

  • Keep SASSA informed. You must directly communicate any changes to your personal or financial circumstances, address, or contact details to SASSA. This ensures that recipients receive relevant notices and updates.
  • Provide accurate information. Recipients are responsible for presenting correct and accurate records while applying for the grant. We do not tolerate fraudulent activity; it results in the suspension of the grant or its initial denial.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check the status of my SASSA Care Dependency Grant application?

To check your application status, visit the SASSA website, use the Moya App, SMS 082-046-8553, or contact the toll-free number 0800-601011.

What should I do if my SASSA Care Dependency Grant application is rejected?

If SASSA rejects your Care Dependency Grant application, carefully review the rejection letter to understand the reasons. Follow the letter’s guidance to initiate the appeal procedure if you believe the rejection was unjust.

How long does it take for the SASSA Care Dependency Grant application to be processed?

The processing time is up to 3 months. Approved grants are relative to the application date, and if rejected, SASSA gives a letter stating reasons and guidance for the appeal process.

What are the methods for receiving SASSA Care Dependency Grant payments?

Payments can be received by direct deposit in your bank account, cash withdrawal at specific retail outlets, or in institutions like nursing homes and disability facilities.

Can I extend the SASSA Care Dependency Grant beyond the initial period?

Yes, you can extend the grant for an additional month if the child’s disability persists. To renew, submit the current medical report authorized by your doctor.


In conclusion, the SASSA Care Dependency Grant gives necessary support to caregivers of children with severe disabilities. By following the simple application procedure, providing important documents, and staying updated about their status, eligible people can get admission to financial assistance.

For any questions or concerns, contact SASSA via their helpline (0800-601011) or visit their office for more detailed information.

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