SASSA Foster Care Grant: Eligibility, Payments, and Reviews

SASSA is known for providing numerous grants to those who need financial assistance in South Africa. Their Foster Care Grant for Children (FSG) is a financial aid program that aims to help foster parents take care of their foster children.

As these caregivers are responsible for the upbringing of their foster children, SASSA ensures that the necessary aid is provided to these families to ensure the foster children can get the best care.

In this guide, I will walk you through everything there is to know about SASSA’s Foster Child Grant. With the step-by-step application process, considerations for this grant, required documentation, and much more, you can be sure that you will be confident enough to know everything there is to know about the Foster Child Grant.

Eligibility Criteria for SASSA Foster Child Grant

The Foster Child Grant is for those caring for youngsters going through demanding conditions. But before SASSA hands it to you, you must ensure you meet specific eligibility criteria for this grant. This criteria is set to ensure that this grant goes only to those who genuinely deserve it. Here are the eligibility criteria for the SASSA Foster Child Grant:

  • You must be a citizen of South Africa, a recognized refugee, or have permanent residency.
  • Both you and the child have to be living in South Africa.
  • You must be the primary caregiver of the child, and the court must have placed the child in your care due to reasons like being orphaned, deserted, abused, overlooked, or at a hazard.
  • The foster child must be under the age of 18.
  • A means test is done to check if the child needs the grant. They qualify if the child’s yearly income is less than twice the annual foster child grant amount.

The grant is mainly for those in financial need, and the means test guarantees that the money goes to those who need it the most.

Documents Required When Applying for SASSA Foster Child Grant (FCG)

Once you have ensured that you will pass the eligibility criteria, the next step is to gather all the necessary documents. You will need these documents while applying for the grant to prove your identity and make your case for the need for financial aid. Here is a list of everything you will need before applying for the SASSA Foster Child Grant:

Child’s ageMust be under 18 years
Legal statusMust be officially placed in foster care
Foster parent’s incomeSubject to means test
ResidencyChild and caregiver must live in SA
ApplicationMade by foster parent or court-appointed guardian

Legal and Identification Documents

  • Your original 13-digit bar-coded ID is evidence of your identity.
  • If you are a refugee, present your status permit and refugee ID.
  • The foster child’s birth certificate with a valid ID number.
  • Include the court order officially designating you as the legal foster parent of the child.
  • Depending on your marital status, provide the applicable documentation:
    • Marriage Certificate: If married.
    • Divorce Decree: If the wedding has been dissolved,.
    • Death Certificate: In case your partner has passed away.
    • Affidavit or Sworn Statement: If none of the above is relevant,.

Supporting Documents for the Foster Child

  • Any available school certificates for the foster child.
  • Documentation from the Department of Home Affairs confirming the initiation of an application for an ID or birth certificate for the foster child.
  • If the foster child has no regular ID or birth certificate, provide any accessible temporary identity documents or baptismal certificates.

Additional Considerations

  • If you do not have your ID or the foster child’s birth certificate, fill out the SASSA standard affidavit form. This form must be completed before an Oaths Commissioner not affiliated with SASSA.
  • If applicable, provide any documentation that reveals the child’s earnings, such as a maintenance payment order.

Applying for SASSA Foster Child Grant: A Step-by-Step Guide

After ensuring you pass the eligibility criteria and have gathered all the required documents, you can start your SASSA Foster Child Grant application process. Here is a step-by-step guide for you to follow when applying for the grant from the SASSA office or online. Follow it closely to avoid any confusion.

  • Get a court order that validates your legal position as the child’s foster parent. This court order can be obtained from the social worker of the Department of Social Development.
  • Head to the nearest SASSA office with the required documents, which include the court order. If you find it hard to visit the office due to age, health problems, or incapacity, you can send a trusted family member or friend on your behalf.
  • Get the application form from the SASSA office and fill it out in the presence of a SASSA officer. If you need help completing the form, the officer will be available to help. During this process, an interview will be performed to gather more information.
  • Along with the completed application form, provide the required documents, including your ID, the foster baby’s birth certificate, a court order, and all supporting documents.
  • After completing the application, you will receive a dated stamp receipt. This receipt, with the name of the assisting SASSA officer, serves as proof of your application. Keep it, even if your application is not approved.
Tracking the Application Status
(How Can I Apply for the SASSA Foster Child Grant)

Where do I apply?

  • For Offline Application (SASSA Office): Visit your nearest office in person. Complete the application form with the assistance of a SASSA officer.
  • Online Application: Alternatively, choose the online application option from the official SASSA website. Follow the instructions for an easy online procedure.

Need Help to Apply Yourself?

If you cannot apply yourself because of age, disease, or incapacity, you can send a trusted family member or friend to use it. To authorize someone else to apply, fill out the Power of Attorney form and have it signed by a Commissioner of Oaths.

The appointed person should then take the form, along with a medical doctor’s explanation of your inability to visit the SASSA office to complete the application.

Processing Time for SASSA Foster Child Grant Application

When you apply for the SASSA Foster Child Grant, knowing how long your application takes to be processed is essential. On average, it takes about 3 months. During this time, the SASSA officials will check if you meet the necessities and if all documents are in order.

After your application is authorized, they will start disbursing the funds. The good thing is that they will also pay you for the time since you first applied. They will let you know their decision by sending you a letter. If your application isn’t accepted, the letter will explain why.

Tracking the Application Status

To keep track of how your application is doing, you can check its status regularly. SASSA has various methods for you to do this:

  • SASSA Website: You can visit their website to check your application status.
  • Moya APP: You can use the Moya app to check without using your data.
  • SMS: You can send a text message to SASSA at 082-046-8553 to get updates.
  • WhatsApp: You can use WhatsApp to ask questions and get updates at 082-046-8553.
  • Toll-Free Number: If you need help, call the free number, 0800-601011.

If your application needs approval and you think it’s a mistake, you can ask them to review it again. This is referred to as a reconsideration request, and you must do it within a specific time. If they still say no, you can appeal to the Ministry of Social Development within 90 days from when you first applied. Knowing how long it takes and keeping an eye on your application can simplify the process.

Foster Child Grant Application Status

Understanding the SASSA Foster Child Grant Payment Process

You must understand the payment process for the Foster Child Grant once your application has been approved. The grant amount, set at R1,130 per child per month, is adjusted every 6 months to ensure it covers the needs of foster children. You should know how and where you can collect these funds.

Payment Methods and Schedule

Payment MethodDescriptionPayment Schedule
Bank DepositDirectly into a bank account.Monthly, on predetermined dates which may vary by region.
SASSA CardA dedicated card issued by SASSA for grant withdrawals.Accessible from the scheduled payment day each month.
Cash at Pay PointsCollect cash at designated SASSA pay points.Issued monthly, with specific dates that can change based on location.

SASSA offers different ways to get your grant payments. You can select to get the money through direct deposit into your bank account or cash collection at partnered shops like Pick n Pay, Shoprite, Boxer, Checkers, Usave, and Spar, or from specific institutions like nursing homes or disability centers.

Changing your payment method is also possible. If you want to switch from one method to another, fill out a form at the SASSA office. Remember that the charge will take effect after the verification is completed the following month.

SASSA Foster Child Grant Balance Check

Commonly, you need to check the balance of your SASSA account to see if the payment for the Foster Care Grant was received or the balance amount in the account. This helps ensure if the payment for the Foster Care Grant came through in the current month or not, and for other purposes. Here are different ways to check your grant balance:

SASSA Foster Child Grant Balance Check
  • USSD Codes. You can quickly check your grant balance by dialing the USSD code 1203210# or 12069277# through your cellphone.
  • ATMs. Visit any ATM to check your grant balance. Simply use your SASSA gold card to access the information. Please note that standard bank charges may apply, so consider checking with your bank for details.
  • WhatsApp. Another accessible option is to check your balance through the SASSA WhatsApp number, 082 046 8553. This method allows you to receive updates and manage your finances using a platform that many people are familiar with.
  • SASSA Call Center. Contacting the SASSA call center at the toll-free number 0800 601 011 is a reliable way to inquire about your grant balance.

SASSA Foster Child Grant Reviews

SASSA regularly assesses the Foster Care Grant to confirm the program’s efficiency and the foster child’s welfare.

The organization conducts assessments of the Foster Care Grant routinely, on a 2-year basis. This schedule matches the court order’s validity, which appoints the foster caregiver as the legal guardian. Additionally, the systematic approach to these evaluations allows SASSA to remain updated on the situations of those receiving the grant.

The number one reason for these reviews is to assess whether the foster baby still meets the eligibility criteria for the grant. Additionally, the reviews aim to verify all the circumstances surrounding the foster child, confirming that they continue to fulfill the criteria for grant eligibility.

Foster parents should be aware of these reviews and keep their applications up to date, making the process smoother and more efficient.

Grant Suspension

Grant suspension may also impact the Foster Care Grant for several reasons tied to the eligibility or validity of the support. Some typical reasons involve shifts in the foster child’s circumstances, providing false or inaccurate information during the application process, failure to cooperate during periodic reviews, or identifying inaccuracies in the initial approval.

Restoration of Suspended Grant

If your Foster Child Grant faces suspension and you believe the choice isn’t justified, there are steps you can take to cope with the scenario:

  • If you disagree with the suspension, you can appeal the decision. The first step is to submit an appeal to the Ministry of Social Development. Ensure that you initiate the appeal process within 90 days from the date of suspension.
  • Considering the information you provided, the Ministry of Social Development will evaluate your appeal. They’ll overturn the suspension if they find merit in your appeal.
  • Upon a successful appeal, the Foster Child Grant will be restored. This way, you’ll resume receiving the grant payments. The recovery procedure guarantees that deserving recipients will continue to receive the necessary financial support.

Reasons for Lapse of the Foster Child Grant

Lapses are a common headache for grant beneficiaries. Lapses in the Foster Child Grant can occur for various reasons, and understanding these common reasons is essential for grant beneficiaries. The grant may lapse under the following circumstances:

  • The grant will lapse when the foster child reaches the age of 18. However, if the child is still pursuing secondary or high school schooling, the grant will be held until they turn 21.
  • If the foster baby leaves school, the grant payments may stop. The grant is supposed to aid the child’s academic wishes, and leaving school may impact eligibility.
  • If the foster child is admitted to a state-funded institution, the grant will expire on the first day of the seventh month after admission.
  • Please receive the grant for 3 consecutive months to avoid the lapse of the Foster Child Grant. Acquiring grant payments on time is always important to avoid interruptions.

To prevent lapses and ensure continuous support through the Foster Child Grant, beneficiaries must take preventative steps:

  • Inform SASSA right away about any adjustments in personal or financial situations. This includes adjustments in the foster child’s condition, contact information, or address.
  • Act on any notices or communications from SASSA directly. Ignoring or delaying responses to essential notifications can also bring about unintentional lapses.
  • Provide correct and updated information during the application process and subsequent reviews. SASSA relies on the correct details to determine ongoing eligibility for the grant.
Some Reasons For Lapse of The Foster Child Grant

Responsibilities of the Beneficiaries

Grant beneficiaries of the Foster Child Grant have essential duties to meet to ensure the easy and ongoing support they receive. These responsibilities encompass legal obligations and proactive actions.

  • Grant holders must promptly keep SASSA updated on any changes in personal, financial, or address details.
  • Any fraudulent activity is strictly prohibited. Providing the latest information during the application and ongoing reviews is essential for maintaining the integrity of the grant system.
  • Grant beneficiaries must regularly update SASSA about situational changes to ensure ongoing eligibility for the Foster Child Grant.
  • Notices and updates from SASSA are sent to the address provided during the application process. Act immediately upon receiving these notices to prevent grant suspensions.
  • Grant holders must maintain open and timely communication with SASSA regarding modifications to their personal and financial circumstances.
  • Ensure you directly communicate any adjustments to the foster child’s status to SASSA to avoid interruptions in grant payments.
  • Grant beneficiaries should ensure that their address information with SASSA is accurate and updated. Official notices and updates are sent to the address provided during the application process.
  • Grant holders should prevent grant suspension by adhering to reporting obligations and promptly addressing any issues SASSA raises.

See Also:
SRD Grant Cancel Application

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for the SASSA Foster Child Grant?

Start by getting a court order from the Department of Social Development. Apply at a nearby SASSA office or online. Trusted family members or friends can apply on your behalf if needed.

What is the processing time for the SASSA Foster Child Grant?

It takes around 3 months to process applications. Payments start after approval. If rejected, SASSA sends a letter with an explanation. Keep the date-stamped receipt with you, even if it is not approved, as evidence of the application.

How much is the Foster Child Grant?

Payments are R1,130 per child per month, adjusted every 6 months. You can receive payments through direct deposit, cash collection at partnered outlets, or specific institutions. Check the balance through USSD codes, ATMs, WhatsApp, or the SASSA call center.

What should I do if my Foster Child Grant application is declined?

If declined, you could request SASSA to reconsider. If reconsideration fails, you can appeal to the Ministry of Social Development within 90 days. The ministry will assess your appeal, and if it is successful, grant bills will resume.


The SASSA Foster child care grant plays a vital role in helping foster parents and ensuring the well-being of foster kids. From eligibility criteria and the application process to payment methods and responsibilities, this guide aims to simplify the journey for applicants. Remember, staying updated, cooperating with reviews, and addressing adjustments immediately are critical to a smooth experience with the SASSA Foster Child Grant. If you have any questions, please contact SASSA right away.

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